To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances;
to seek Him, the greatest adventure;
to find Him, the greatest human achievement.

Saint Augustine

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Did we forget what it means to be human?

By some stroke of luck, I managed to win a free DVD of The Human Experience, by Grassroots Films. It was being offered through the Catholic young women's magazine Radiant. :)

The contest only required you to watch the trailer and post your response/thoughts on Radiant's Facebook wall. I caught the giveaway in the nick of time (last day)....and won!!! Still can't believe it. Well, I got the DVD in the mail today! So excited to FINALLY be able to watch it. I have known about this film since around 2008. Just the trailer alone has the ability to make me cry. SO beautiful. It has won over 30 awards and film festival honors. Over 30!! And because of that, and because I think more people should know about this film and watch it, etc-- I am sharing the trailer with you. There's actually two of them. I will share the longer, "main" trailer first. ^_^ Please tell me your thoughts on it!

And here is the teaser-trailer, also beautiful and has different footage from the longer one. :)

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